About Me

Designing With Passion While Exploring

I started in the year 1998 at Knoxville Internet.  I made cold calls to perspective customers.  Then after a few weeks I started learning to build my own websites after I had sold the client.  I then left Knoxville, TN and moved back to Asheville, NC where I started building websites for restaurants and small businesses.  The company was then known as CLSWEBDESIGNS.  After graduating I changed the name to Mountain Internet Solutions. Now based out of Marshall and serving Mars Hill, NC, and surrounding areas, Mars Hill Web!

I give the client exactly what they want

Without you there is no website project!  You provide me with the information I need to build great websites.  In most cases all the information is collected before the design is complete.

Languages and info

HTML Design

I speak fluent HTML including responsive design 

HTML 100%
CSS Formatting

I speak fluent CSS including advanced concepts

CSS Formatting 98%
PHP Development

I can design a front-end or content management system

PHP Development 100%
JAVA Script

I read and edit Java script including initial design 

JAVA 80%
ASP windows language

I have worked with many shopping carts  built for windows servers

ASP 70%

I built video game simulations and levels in JScript

JScript 70%
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